

"My first works are strong, hand-coloured dry-point etchings (co-founder of the 'Graphisch Collectief Thoets') in a figurative style. I used Japanese signs in collages and graphics. Journeys through Spain - Andalucia resulted in the range 'La Tauromaquia' : very bright-coloured, exuberant pastels and oil-paintings beyond the bullfights.
Searching for a certain form of abstraction without denying the figurative base I painted
the 'Scare-crows' (human figures, reshaped and abstract).
During several journeys in very lively and raw landscapes with canyons, rocks and waterfalls in the south of France an essential feeling for renewing resulted in a more personal vision: monumental elements and a more dramatic use of colours characterize my new paintings; the landscape changes into an object, an abstract space in which nature motifs and forms of the human body occur.

In '96 I moved to Den Oever, into a spacious studio - a former military depot - where I started with sculptures and bronze casting in '99.
From the first, more figurative, sculptures I am obsessed by interfering and manupulating natural motives. In the recent works - since 2008 - I try to refer to ideas of thruth and purity. Important are natural forms with geometrical shapes, like seeds and the form of a drop.



Joost Speet
(Nieuwveen, 1948)

Amsterdamse Grafische School, grafic design
Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam


cv & contact

from 1980 untill now

